LX MMA has enacted and currently practices an Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) policy that is guiding the industry, both in Korea and abroad. We consider ESH to be the highest priority in all our business areas, and we have enhanced our distinct corporate competitiveness by continuously improving our ESH performance.
LX MMA has obtained certification for the ISO’s International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) (ISO 45001), based on which systematic OH&S management practices are carried out. We efficiently operate and manage our ESH management system through our Environment, Health & Safety Team that is dedicated to overseeing all company-wide ESH affairs. The Environment, Health & Safety Team leads the OH&S practices at LX MMA by promptly identifying the current trends in OH&S and supporting the company to reflect them in our management policy, and by holding OH&S training sessions for employees and subcontractors to enhance OH&S awareness at our business sites. Furthermore, we practice close on-site safety management by engaging an OH&S Manager at each business site, to regularly monitor and manage the OH&S achievement rate at their site based on our ESH management policy.
LX MMA has selected and manages environmental safety and health, as well as the top priority tasks of its management, and has established and operates advanced management systems such as accident prevention activities, safety diagnoses, education and training, management of its partners, and health promotion activities with the aim of realizing "zero" safety and health accidents and disease-free plants.
In petrochemical plants, there is a high potential risk of fire and explosion, and in the event of certain accidents the materials can spread to become secondary environmental pollution accidents. Therefore, these plants operate a comprehensive disaster prevention center and an emergency response organization, as the initial response to an accident is important to minimize the damage, and we are fully committed to preventing accidents through providing regular training once a quarter.
Early detection (notification of the situation)
Emergency contact network is operated
Duties in an emergency
Task force is operated
Fire engine is dispatched
Fire fighters are dispatched
Practical drills (internal)
Imaginary scenario
Water curtain process
Emergency actions
Ambulance is dispatched
Transportation / First aid
LX MMA has operated the Safe/Unsafe Mileage system since 2018, as a means to enhance the safety awareness of all its employees and to comply with basic procedures, and the importance of accident prevention activities is once again emphasized, given that an explosion and serious accidents at nearby companies have been caused by worker mistakes or a failure to take sufficient safety measures before beginning the work. Therefore, we continue to reduce our risks through the on-site control of these issues.
Behavior Observations
“Prevention of safety accidents by enhancing safety awareness and reducing unsafe behaviors”
In order to monitor and elevate the company’s environmental and safety management practices, LX MMA uses an Environmental Safety Index, which includes the Comprehensive Accident Scores and Site Business Activities, when assessing its executives and division heads. To encourage the OH&S managers of all business sites to systematically promote ESH tasks and vigorously carry out leadership practices that raise awareness of the environment and safety, we have included a Technology Research Center as the subject of our Site Business Activities. Furthermore, by creating “Critical Unsafe Mileage” items, in active response to the Serious Accidents Punishment Act in 2022, to report on the implementation progress to the Management Committee on a monthly basis, we are striving to enhance our employees’ competencies in ESH and to establish a safe and healthy workplace.
While qualitative assessment methods are generally used in a risk assessment, which is the most important part of process safety management, a quantitative risk assessment can be performed more accurately, but is not often used due to taking too much time and consuming too much money, as a result of the need for hiring the experts and the statistical data acquisition. Therefore, LX MMA has introduced a simpler quantitative assessment technique (LOPA) to establish and implement a quantitative management system (IRMS) that rationally and scientifically manages the risks of its processes.
LX MMA provides the legally required training program in a regular-basis, stratum-specific, and education on changes in the structure and content of work, as well as special program by external professional instructors, the cultivation of internal experts, and a regular maintenance preparation training program. All the employees also enhance their safety-oriented mind through education in Safety First/Safety Leadership. In addition, considering the characteristics of the plant, we promote safety awareness through construction safety and experience training, and have established a rapid response system for emergencies through conducting fire drills (regular, unexpected, joint, and basic). Furthermore, LX MMA provides information on the latest trends in OH&S, such as the Serious Accidents Punishment Act, in the company magazine MEGATONE to share them throughout the entire company. In 2022, the CEO’s Policy Proclamation for Improved OH&S Awareness was shared at a company-wide level. Through this declaration of the executive management’s commitment to prioritize safety above all else, we have been focused on raising OH&S awareness among out employees and spreading a culture of safety in the company.
LX MMA enhances the efficiency of its health care by computerizing its management tasks such as health examinations and management of the working environment or GHS MSDS. This system can be used to provide workers with the best health care services and to determine health care policies through the searching and statistical processing of various health-related data.
Prepare a Health Examination Plan
Select the examination items
Select the exam institutions
Select the exam subjects
Inform the subject of cautions before the exam
Health Examinations
Special exam (twice a year)
General/comprehensive exam (once a year)
Consultation of the Results
Explain the results to the individual
Select goals for health management
Manage computerized data of the individuals
Analysis of workplace noise measurement results and hearing loss trends
Hazzard Identification
Medical Check-ups
Periodic Exposure Assessments
LX MMA recognizes that prevention is more effective than diagnosis and treatment due to the nature of the musculoskeletal disease, and strives to prevent musculoskeletal diseases by introducing investigations of harmful factors, as well as by encourage stretching and gymnastic workouts.
LX MMA is serious about providing continuous support for health promotion activities to improve the productivity and quality of life of its employees, by promoting the formation of a one-hearted community among the employees and enhancing a healthy mind through participation in informal group activities.
Joint Firefighting Drill with the Fire Station
First Aid Competition
K-PSR Process Risk Assessment Training