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기업소개 비주얼 이미지

Reporting and Whistleblowing Process

LX MMA operates an online whistleblowing system that allows employees to report infractions, corrupt practices or Jeong-Do Management violations. If there is a grievance related to Jeong-Do Management, such as when an employee receives separate compensation from a stakeholder, uses company assets illegally or without authorization, or lacks transparency when selecting a subcontractor, outside stakeholders as well as the employees can report the matter and provide information via the online system, by regular mail or by fax. With an easily accessible reporting system, we are striving to eliminate employees’ infractions and corrupt practices, and to improve unreasonable systems and work processes in order to establish a healthy organizational culture and fair partnerships. In addition, ethical and human rights grievances, including workplace harassment and sexual harassment, can be reported through the company intranet or offline, by communicating with the Business Audit & Enhancement Team in-person or via regular mail. We will continue to operate various reporting systems to fulfill our ethical responsibilities.

  • Operation of Management by Principle

    LX MMA operates the Ethics Bureau, an organization dedicated to Management by Principle, directly under the chief executive officer to execute the activities for Management by Principle systematically. LX MMA's Korea and overseas business sites also have their own Ethics Bureaus.

  • Management by Principle Pledge

    LX MMA performs the Management by Principle Pledge for its entire employees online. In this pledge, LX MMA's employees and partner companies vow to comply with the LX codes of conduct and practice Management by Principle every year.

Whistleblower Protection System

LX MMA helps whistleblowers feel at ease when making reports by rigorously protecting the whistleblower’s identity, the content of the report and information about the stakeholders associated with the report, and by providing details about our whistleblower protection system on the company website. We forbid the disclosing of a whistleblower’s identity, or implying who the reported employee is without the whistleblower’s consent. When processing a report, we maintain the tight security of our whistleblowing system by only allowing personnel who have signed a confidentiality agreement to participate. We carry out reasonable procedures to protect whistleblowers; for instance, if the whistleblower suffers disadvantages as a result of reporting or providing statements, the company will work to revert the situation back to normal or take other equivalent actions, and should employees report infractions or corrupt practices that they themselves are involved in, the company will take that into account by mitigating the disciplinary actions against them.

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