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Job Fields

  • ㆍProduction Engineering

    Process planning and execution of the product process as a whole; e.g., product planning, managing product DATA, improvement of product facilities, etc.

    - Related majors

    Chemical Engineering/Polymer Engineering

    - Job Competences

    Problem-solving ability using knowledge of the job; passion and executive ability in propelling the task and managing the risks efficiently; communication skills and leadership for performing the task by working together with other team members.

    ㆍQuality Control

    Establishing and managing the inspection process of raw materials, subsidiary materials and products; review and approval of new products and changed products; response to customer’s complaint about the product quality; verifying the reliability of inspection results.

    - Related majors

    Chemical Engineering/Polymer Engineering

    - Job Competences

    Problem-solving ability using the quality and trend information in due time; logical thinking skills to solve the problem in a reasonable manner; communication skills to express an opinion precisely and persuade others.

    ㆍFacility Management

    Establishing and managing the inspection process of raw materials, subsidiary materials and products; review and approval of new products and changed products; response to customer’s complaint about the product quality; verifying the reliability of inspection results.

    - Related majors

    Mechanical Engineering/Electronic Engineering

    - Job Competences

    Problem-solving ability using expertise in case of constructing new or additional facilites, and facility trouble; communication skills and leadership for working jointly with other teams at the site and maintaining a smooth interpersonal relationship.